The gallery is open Thursday & Friday 12 - 3 and Saturday 12 - 4, as well as by appointment. or 512-912-1613.

Tobin Garth Karicher is a painter from Richmond, Virginia. A graduate of Virginia Commonwealth University, he has been exhibiting his paintings since 1987. The paintings we are showing are from a series he calls "Another Place." About that series, Tobin says, "The painting series Another Place originally began as traditional landscape paintings. They were started in late Winter/early Spring of 2018. I began feeling that the paintings needed another element. I thought of certain scenarios and objects that interested me and began research. 50's and 60's era rocket ships, UFOs, entities such as Sasquatch and The Loch Ness Monster came to mind, and were soon incorporated into the paintings. I was very careful when adding my new found elements to calculate the lighting and reflections so that they integrated perfectly into the atmosphere and light of the existing landscape painting. The finished paintings were ready to present in late Summer."