The gallery is open Thursday & Friday 12 - 3 and Saturday 12 - 4, as well as by appointment. or 512-912-1613.

Bruce Lee Webb is a folk art gallerist (the Webb Gallery in Waxahachie) who paints on vintage cotton seed sacks, canvas bags, and journal and ledger paper.
Bruce Lee’s grandparents were missionaries in the mountains of Kerala, South India during the 1930s and ’40s, where his mother was born.  In his youth he was surrounded by their esoteric books and folk art which they brought back to the U.S. These mysterious treasures were Bruce's earliest inspirations.
Bruce Lee grew up in Dallas where, in the 1980s, he discovered the skateboarding and punk rock scenes. It was here that he met his wife, Julie, and they quickly began a lifetime of collecting together. 
Bruce and Julie collaborated on a cut and paste fanzine in their teenage years called “Bad Karma” and the profile head which Bruce repeats as a subject in his artwork began as a t-shirt sharpie marker drawing in 1982.
Inheriting his grandparents' love of antiquarian books, Bruce Lee has added to the collection of printed matter with folk art, railroad hobo lore, train car graffiti, the study of the occult, and fraternal history.