(coinciding with the new Open Canopy First Saturday)
Austin artist BrianPhillips makes his art from salvaged wood (mostly), finding "beauty in the blemishes, mistakes and years of use and abuse."
Briantitled the show "This Is How My Brain Works" to highlight his range of styles/subject matters. "I'm grateful for the upcoming opportunities to show multiple styles," he says, "and I hope everyone enjoys the differing looks. Since the pandemic, I've been really drawn to very colorful pieces as I'm sure everyone needs a splash of happy bright colors around right now. I tend to get bored with the same styles over and over so I try and listen to my moods and work on what I feel inspired to do on any given day. With the pandemic lockdown, I tried to find new avenues to try and work on to pass the days and try and be as productive as possible with the time."
Beginning Thursday, 9/2, Brian's show will be here on our website at